Last updated: October 31, 2022
Tutorial how to install Counter-Strike 1.6 CS-BANS 1.3system:
- LAMP (Linux+Apache2+MySQL+PHP5) + phpmyadmin installation2. PHPMyAdmin we create a database of data that we will use cs bans
3. on putty program write the command a2enmod rewrite
4. let’s go in WinSCP program: /etc/apache2/sites-available/default > set allowOverride All
5. On putty write the command: service apache2 restart
6. download and create directory mkdir /var/www/csbans
- In putty program write:
chmod -R 777 /var/www/csbans/protected/runtime
chmod -R 777 /var/www/csbans/assets
chmod -R 777 /var/www/csbans/ now we write in the browser http://yourIP/csbans/site/install.html and continue to find the databases of the data we created and another admin login PW.IMPORTANT System works perfectly with REZ MINI CMS SMS.
Admin Loader, I advise you to use this plugin to load admins from databases
why? because when loading admins from databases with the amxbans plugin or something else, setinfo _pw does not work.
Download CS bans:
Download Admin loader:
Download FB: