Creating a Server in <strong data-srcset=Counter-Strike 1.6" width="1024" height="640" />

Creating a Server in Counter-Strike 1.6

How to Quickly and Easily Create Your Counter-Strike 1.6 Server.  The creation of the server occurs in stages, let’s consider everything points by point:

  • Item 1: Download and install a clean CS 1.6 server
  • Item 2: Fashion Selection
  • Item 3: Promotion of your own server from scratch

Let’s start with where to get it and how to install a clean server.  The server in  Counter-Strike 1.6 is called HLDS.

HLDS can be run without running Counter-Strike 1.6 itself and it works autonomously, allowing you to run your CS 1.6  server and play it immediately from your computer.

We will search and install the latest and most official, “clean” version of our  HLDS server, which you can simply download for free: Windows HLDS Update Tool (Yandex.Disk)

You have downloaded the file Windows HLDS Update Tool, which will download the latest version of the finished server CS 1.6 from the company developer of the game.  You need to run this file and carefully read the instructions to install the server.  When asked about the region,  you will need to select “Europe”.

   CS 1.6 Server Installation and Startup Video

Now that you have dealt with the updater and downloaded your new CS 1.6 server, run a file called hlds.exe.  Write down the name you need, select the map and click on the “Start Server”  button. Now go into the game itself and write the IP address to the console and go to your server.

Attention!  In order for you to be able to play people who do not have a  license for the CS 1.6 game, it is enough to install “Dproto”.

Choosing a Mod for  CS Server 1.6

The hardest part we’ve finished is now choosing a  mod for our server. The gaming community has a large number of different modifications of the game, such as:

  • Public
  • Zombie
  • Surf
  • Prison
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • Quick Play

And about  5-10 little-known mods.  A little about each:

  • Public is an ordinary simple server, as in many championships, with the task to put a bomb and win a round.
  • Zombies are an invasion of zombies who have taken over the world of your server. Task zombies to infect the survivors, and those who do not fall under the infection to kill the infection.
  • Surf is quite an interesting, but difficult mod. It will take several hours of training to learn how to ride ramps, on specially created maps.  Fly – kill – win.
  • Prison – there are guards and zeks.  The task of the guards is to contain the riot, to conduct various games with the zeks, and the “dregs of society” need to get out of the cages as quickly as possible and raise a riot.
  • Overcoming obstacles or DeathRun (death run) is a large map, with many problems to pass.  This is a breaking floor, burning lava, flying axes, and much more.   1 player plays as a team of terrorists and tries, by all means, to prevent the counters from passing into his dens, pressing buttons and activating certain traps.  Special Forces need to get in and kill the noxious terrorist.
  • A quick game or a KSDM is the same public, but without the task of laying a bomb.  After you are killed, you are reborn with a new choice of weapons, and so on all the time. The goal is one – to hone the skill in shooting.

The main mods I painted,  the choice is only yours, which modification will be to your liking.

How to Promote Your  CS 1.6 Server

One person is very bored and not interested in playing on the server, so the question immediately arises: “Where to find players? » or “How do I promote my counter-strike server? ».  The fastest and most productive way is to use the services of 3rd parties who provide promotions to many servers.  You pay a certain amount for the time spent in the promotion and get your players.  It happens that the advertising of your server passed qualitatively, but people did not go to the server,  do not despair,  work on improving the server and players will begin to stay!  Having corrected all the shortcomings, you will begin to have people in your counter-strike 1.6 servers!

Counter-Strike 1.6 Download / Play and Download CS 1.6 for Free